
Monday, December 17, 2012

8 Wonderful Meals - a dream left unfulfilled

It is my pursuit here, in this blog post, to take you along on a recap of my experience.

About three fortnights ago, on an indolent afternoon, recumbent and dreamy me, I get a ping from guruP -

"Mama! Wanna put Infosys Hashers? I am too vetti and there is a lot of cash", he wrote, all ebullient. And thus began our quest for 8 wonderful meals ( ... I will come to the explanation soon ).

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Time matrix android app

This is the android app I wrote to help in using something like a Time matrix. It was just a code put up in a short time to learn some android devel. Here is apk Time Matrix app v0.1. I will put up the source too as soon as I get time to set up a git repo.

 And here below you can find the article I had written on time management for IIT madras student counselling team .

Edit: DO NOT install this. It is a horrible piece of code with quite a few bugs.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CS rage 2

A new foreign exchange student comes to CSE dept of IITM

Idea courtesy : Venky

You can find the next one here - CS Rage 3 
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Context: In the mess hall, Vikram searches all over the mess and finally reaches our table. Hence, this conversation.
 P.S.  More artists are welcome, content assured.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to frighten your friend on a boring weekend

So, you wanna scare your friend this weekend? And you are wondering how to do that. Well, here is an idea. During my summer internship, I was trying out VNC on various machines including my android phone and an android tablet. That is when I found this out -

What you need is a VNC server and a client. On my ubuntu machine I had installed tightvncserver and xtightvncviewer. What we could do is use the vnc server to start a new X session. For those of you totally new to many such things, 

1) To install tightvncserver do a

sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

Similarly install xtightvncviewer.

2) Set up your vnc password by doing a


Set your password and then

3) Start the new X session in a different display by doing

tightvncserver :1

4) Next, in order to view the session you created you need to use vnc viewer. For this do

xtightvncviewer :1

Type in your password and then you should have a window which shows your desktop.
Find below a screen shot I took of my office screen with two viewers open side by side for the same new session ( I soo miss the huge monitor :| )

So now, all you need to do to scare your friend, is some how sneak up one day, download a scary mp3 on his computer and may be setup a cronjob to start the vncserver, and then run the mp3 in the :1 display. Do tell me if you try this out or you have a better way to spook your friend ;)
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A very handy wireless mouse using your android phone

PRemoteDroid is an awesome app which you must have on your android phone and your laptop. Suppose you are giving a talk somewhere or just giving your course presentation, you don't have to stand right next to your laptop without going forward and interacting with the audience. All you need is this app installed on your phone and your laptop with bluetooth enabled.

You need the server app on your laptop and the client on your android phone(which you can get it on the market). You can get the server app here . If you are using an ubuntu machine then you also need libbluetooth-dev installed. After this all you need to do is start the server on your laptop as

java -classpath bluecove-2.1.jar -classpath blucove-gpl-2.1.0.jar -jar PRemoteDroid-Server.jar

Then set the password up, and start the bluetooth server by right clicking the tray icon. Also open up the android application and pair up your laptop with your phone. Now you have your handy wireless mouse whereever you carry your phone. :)

<Fart> As I had said many times, there is a reason for almost everything. So the reason for this post is a talk I attended during Shaastra 2011. For those of you who haven't heard of Shaastra, it is supposedly the biggest Tech-fest in the southern states and is hosted by IITM, a 'premier' technical institute of India. So you would generally expect a lot of high tech stuff here. But alas.

So, I was sitting for this talk where the speaker was all geared up to give the talk. Even the event co-ordinators had set up the computer attached to the projector with the necessary presentation. And as the speaker was about to start, he asked them a remote to the computer so that he can switch between slides. But this 'technical' institute had no such thing at all. 

So ,what followed was a series of embarrassing and awkward situations where the person in front of the computer had to be constantly woken up from his slumber to move to the next slide.We can't blame the poor sleeping guy if the talk were that boring. But still the point is, being in one of the (supposed) most elite institutes in the country, we couldn't do anything to help the speaker. </Fart>.

So, that was when I started thinking how smartphones can be used is such cases or may be a wii remote and a led. Ofcourse a wireless mouse would do as well, but what is the fun if you do things straight ;).

P.S. : The author is also from IITM in case some one was wondering 
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Getting music out of your fav Youtube videos

So, again this is like a ready reference for me so that whenever I need to extract and convert music out of a video I can just come here and look at this post. Long long ago, I had done this once. I used ffmpeg to extract music out of a video and then convert it to some specific format. I remember reading that instead of using some one click tools which are readily available, using ffmpeg will help in maintaining the sound quality. Find below the detailed steps.

1) Install ffmpeg: I had initially thought that installing just ffmpeg would be sufficient but apparently it wasn't. I needed some extras too. So, to install everything that is needed, do this

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-52

2) Extracting music: Next we need to check what kind of audio does my file have 

ffmpeg -i inputvideofile.flv

This will tell me what kind of audio does the file have. So I know what will my output be. Next I use the following command to get the music

ffmpeg -i inputvideofile.flv -acodec copy output.aac
3) Now I realize that an app in my phone ( Ringdroid) does not recognize this format. So I decide to convert .aac to .mp3
ffmpeg -i input.aac -ar 44100 -ab 115 -map_meta_data output.mp3:input.aac output.mp3

If you don't want to map metadata then you can just have
ffmpeg -i input.aac -ar 44100 -ab 115 output.mp3

The values 44100 and 115, I get them from ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp3 command 
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