
Saturday, June 11, 2011

My pursuit to hack on an android device - 1

Ok. The first think I had like to make it clear here is that this is not a "guide" to start hacking on your android device. This is just a documentation of my pursuit to hack onto my android device.I am writing this since I am having to take a break for today and if and when I resume my pursuit again I had like a place to recap what all I did and how.

One more thing I had like to add is I am not experimenting on my own phone. I may seem dumb as you proceed through this post but I am not that dumb too. I happen to lay my hands on an android tablet from my company which I can play around with as much as I like.
Bottomline: Do not blame me if your device gets screwed up badly :D

First thing I told myself - "I wanna definitely root my device later but before that to start hacking on something you need a terminal right? So let me install a terminal."

I go to android market and search for an android terminal emulator. I get one instantly but then I realize that I don't have internet on my device because of the !@#$% proxy in my institute. So I need something like cntlm on my device for me to access internet from insti behind a proxy.So I search for this and on XDA developers I end up at this link. But alas! I need to root my device for that. So to summarize my pursuit
Want to root = > install terminal
      ^                            ||
      ||                            V
Need root < =     Install Autoproxy

So I got tired of going round and round. Ofcourse you don't _need_ terminal first to root your device but it is the same process for installing anything here.
So next I decided to try to get the .apk directly and attempt to install. So I hit upon this - 3-places-to-download-android-apk/ .
I happily downloaded terminal emulator from Android Terminal Emulator for Android .And then!! I realize that I left my SD card reader in my office and hence I cannot move the apk file to my tablet!
All this reminded me of Lemony Snicket's A series of unfortunate events. So I have to wait till monday to go back to office and continue :(

I would really love comments on how else could I have done all this ( even if you are reading this post a decade after I wrote it ).

Edit #1:  I realised that I have a USB port on the tablet. I was so dumb. So I just installed terminal, droidssh and an ebook reader onto my tablet

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